From the blog

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Heart Rate Variability in Simple Terms and Health Evaluation
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We've all taken our pulse before. When you complete a self-assessment of your health, you put your index and middle fingers on the thumb side of your wrist or the notch in your neck, you [Read More]
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Be Prepared for the Doctor Before You Go
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If you are a healthy person, you probably don't think too much about going to the doctor. If you are not healthy, you know the doctor's office routine very well. Regardless, if you have [Read More]
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Lose Weight and Stay Healthy through Quantitative Health Assessment
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Is that number on the scale starting to creep up on you? Or do you just avoid weighing yourself because it's too depressing? Many people struggle with weight and the voices of healthy living [Read More]
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Health tracking: when to start?
Health tracking: when to start?
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Increasing number of patients with chronic  conditions are actively monitoring their life functions, as it  stated in survey conducted by The society for participatory medicine ( About [Read More]
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BMI as your weight balance indicator. “Defamation of a well known health indicator”.
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Your weight, especially whether or not it is optimal, is a critical factor affecting your health. The  BMI (Body Mass Index: the ratio of your weight to your height squared) is the most [Read More]