From the blog

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to Deal with High Blood Pressure
A New Way to Deal with the Old Problem of High Blood Pressure
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High blood pressure is a major concern in health circles and for good reason. High blood pressure can lead to a variety of diseases and other threats to the personal health of individuals. [Read More]
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financial problems as risk factor
How your Financial Worries Increase your Risk of Heart Disease
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Stress is a serious problem in the modern world. It can be caused by problems at work, in relationships or by financial troubles. It’s a serious issue for your personal health because [Read More]
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skin and hypertension
How your Skin Influences your Hypertension
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Hypertension is one of the most serious diseases in terms of your cardiovascular and overall personal health. Though it isn’t technically a disease on its own, more a group of diseases [Read More]
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Type 2 diabetes is reversible
How to Reverse Type II Diabetes
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Type II diabetes is a serious issue in our modern world. The number of people who suffer from this disorder is on the rise and it’s becoming a serious concern for health professionals [Read More]
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Does Intermittent Fasting Work
Can you Use Intermittent Fasting to Improve your Health?
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There’s a lot of controversy about intermittent fasting. Some people swear by it, whereas others claim that it’s bad for your overall personal health. Research is divided on the matter. [Read More]