From the blog

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Health Risk Of Noisy World
How Noise Increases Your Health Risk
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You might think that a bit of noise is normal, particularly if you live in a city. But the truth is that it could be increasing your health risk and your chances of developing specific diseases.     The [Read More]
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Appendix Can Determine your Health Risk
The Link Between Health Risk and Your Appendix
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A lot of people get their appendix out these days because it causes trouble and doesn’t really affect your overall health. However, it turns out your appendix may be a more important health [Read More]
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Social Media The Next Big Health Risk Assessment Tool
How Social Media Can Be a Health Risk Assessment Tool
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Depression is a serious health risk for a lot of people. Now, researchers are looking into a new way to assess this problem using social media.     People use social media [Read More]
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Simple Way to Evaluate Health Risk
What One Simple Test Can Say About Your Health Risk
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If you monitor your health regularly, you probably have to keep track of some complex health risk factors. However, sometimes the simplest things are best, as is the case with this easy [Read More]
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Migraine Could Be A Health Risk
Why Your Migraine Is a Serious Health Risk
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Lots of people get migraines these days, but not everyone knows about how this contributes to their health risk. So if you get migraines, here are some connected disorders.     If [Read More]