It seems like every source on health today is concerned about the connection between health and weight. There are good reasons for this, the most important being the ever increasing obesity problem in today’s society. This is a very dangerous health risk, and something you need to address as soon as possible. But the best way to do that might surprise you. Most sources claim that regular exercise is one of the best remedies for weight problems. This might be true, but the amount and the type of exercise you do is almost as important as the activity itself.
Obesity is extremely dangerous for your health and wellbeing. That’s why monitoring and tracking your weight should be a part of your regular health risk assessment activities. Research shows that even a small amount of excess weight can have serious health consequences. It’s linked to a number of diseases such as heart disease, certain types of cancer, and stroke. There is also a connection between excess weight and measurements of health risk such as high blood pressure or cholesterol levels. These links show that, although body weight is not the sole measurement of health, it does have vital implications for it.
Exercise is a good way of losing unwanted weight and is also one of the keys to maintaining a healthy weight. That’s why it needs to be included in your lifestyle plan. Establishing and maintaining a regular exercise routine has a number of benefits for your mental, physical and emotional health. Some of the most important benefits include the following:
Obesity and excess weight harms cardiovascular health in a number of ways. One of the most dangerous cardiovascular health threats is known as the atherosclerotic process. This is the build-up of fatty deposits on the walls of the arteries. Plague reduces the elasticity of the artery walls and actually blocks blood flow, which can lead to heart attacks. And if you’re overweight or obese, it means that you have more fat available in your system. That fatty tissue, also known as adipose tissue, speeds up the atherosclerotic process. But physical exercise can help slow this process by preventing the fat build-up and improving the overall health of your heart.
There’s a new debate in some circles regarding obesity and the health risk it represents. Although losing weight if you’re obese is important, it may not be as important as previously thought. A recent study followed a number of middle aged and older participants to explore the link between obesity, physical activity and heart disease. The study found that physical activity was associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease regardless of the weight of the participant. This suggests that physical activity may help to protect against cardiovascular events, and that obesity may be a smaller health risk for this disease than previously thought. This study only tracked older participants, so it isn’t yet clear if the results apply to all sections of the population.
A second study on the issue found that people who are severely obese may actually gain more health benefits from exercising for fitness. Severely obese people who are very unfit are much more likely to suffer from high blood pressure as well as higher glucose and triglyceride levels. This combination presents a serious health risk that can cause or exacerbate heart disease and lead to other health problems. But people who are obese and fitter at the same time show markedly better results in these health risk measurements. This suggests that physical exercise may be essential in lowering the health risk of people who are severely obese.
This research suggests that you probably need to make some changes in how you think about exercise. Though losing weight is important, even more vital is building your overall physical fitness to guard against disease. This is a far easier goal than exercising to lose weight. It doesn’t take a lot of vigorous exercise to increase your fitness if you haven’t exercised for a long period of time. Even making small changes to increase your fitness can markedly decrease the health risk of obesity. And exercising with this goal in mind will allow you to see health benefits quickly and without focusing on the difficult task of losing a lot of weight.
If you have concerns about your health, consider using HomeLab to keep track of your condition and any health assessment activities you perform. And if you see signs of a significant problem, make sure you check with your doctor as soon as possible.
Tags: health risk, obesity, health risk assessment