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How To Lower High Blood Pressure Through Telemonitoring
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High blood pressure is a serious and ongoing health threat despite all the recent advances in medicine. The key to changing this may be increasing your involvement in the problem.


If you want to be healthy, then there are a number of health risk factors you need to monitor. One of the most important is hypertension. This is a very common condition that’s linked to some very serious diseases and conditions. As a result, a lot of research and money goes into the treatment of high blood pressure. However, despite this expenditure, the problem seems to be getting worse in the modern world. If you struggle to keep your blood pressure under control, there’s one simple strategy that could help.


The Dangers of HypertensionLower High Blood Pressure

Hypertension is incredibly common these days and this is a major problem. High blood pressure is a serious health risk. It can lead to a number of diseases such as stroke, heart attack and cardiovascular disease. However, the dangers of this condition don’t stop it from occurring. In fact, data now indicates that up to 75 million American adults have high blood pressure. This is about 29 percent of the adult population. And if the situation isn’t reversed, it will have long term consequences for individual and public health.


Treating High Blood Pressure

Treating hypertension is relatively simple. It usually involves making lifestyle changes that will naturally decrease your blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure, here are some of the recommendations that your doctor will make:


  • Increase your activity levels.
  • Change your diet to exclude foods that increase your blood pressure.
  • Have regular check-ups to make sure that your efforts are working.
  • Take medications that lower blood pressure.


These strategies are fairly straightforward, but they isn’t always easy to do. People often struggle to make these changes over the long term. And as a result, they don’t see the results they need. Something more is needed, and research indicates that deeper patient involvement may be the answer.


Why Health Monitoring Works

A recent study has suggested that more intensive health monitoring may be one of the most important strategies in lowering high blood pressure. The study showed that intensive monitoring can help lower blood pressure in the short term. Participants with uncontrolled high blood pressure were closely monitored over a 12 month period after diagnosis using telemonitoring. They received feedback from a nurse or a physician on their efforts and condition. During this period, the participants experienced a significant decrease in their blood pressure. Their systolic pressure, or the pressure of the blood as the heart pumps, went from 148mm HG to 125.7mm HG. Participants in the control group, who weren’t monitored, only lowered their systolic pressure from 148 to 134.8mm Hg.


This is a significant difference. However, once the telemonitoring stopped, the two groups become more even. After four and a half years, the average blood pressure of the control group was 130.6, and the test group had a mean pressure of 132.6mm Hg. This is a telling result. It indicates that ongoing monitoring could have significant effects on patient engagement and the outcome. And it’s a strategy that’s fairly easy for you to implement in your life if you have high blood pressure.


The Takeaway

Monitoring your hypertension on an ongoing basis is a good way to get control of this health risk factor. It will help keep you engaged in your own health and make you instantly aware of any health problems or threats. And this is one of the best strategies to ensure that you get the best outcome possible from your efforts.


Monitoring your high blood pressure at home is now easy to do as well. There are a number of health apps that can store and evaluate your data. They can also schedule your measurements for the best effects. These apps make it easier to lower your blood pressure and overcome barriers to better health.



If you are at higher risk of high blood pressure, try using HomeLab to keep track of your condition and any preventative measures you take. And if you see signs of a significant problem, you should check with your doctor as soon as possible.



Tags: High blood pressure, health risk, hypertension


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