Why is weight so important in determining overall health? Sure, some people who are overweight or obese have the typical health problems that tend to go with extra weight; high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, and other hidden diseases. However, if a person is overweight but healthy otherwise, is there really anything to worry about? Studies discussed in this blog have found that obesity places people at increased risk for heart disease and other health conditions, even if those conditions aren’t currently present. This fact is once again emphasized in another recent study that concluded that people with obesity who do not have other health conditions are at a higher risk for developing coronary artery disease. People who are overweight or obese should take note of this and other studies and should begin to aim their practices toward a healthy style.
Weight, Metabolic Health and Coronary Artery Disease
A study conducted by researchers from Imperial College London and Cambridge University, both in the United Kingdom, investigated the effects of weight and metabolic health on the development of coronary artery disease. This study, published in the 14 August 2017 issue of European Heart Journal, used data compiled by the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition performed by the World Health Organization. The study followed 519,978 people between the ages of 35 and 70 who were from 10 different European countries. Participants were followed for a median period of 12.2 years. Out of all the study participants, 7,637 cases of coronary artery disease were recorded.
The researchers classified the participants of this study according to their body mass indexes (BMI) as normal weight, overweight, or obese. They also classified participants as metabolically healthy or metabolically unhealthy. For the purposes of this study, metabolically unhealthy was defined as displaying three or more metabolic conditions, such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high bad cholesterol or low good cholesterol, or a larger than normal waist size. Participants in the study were compared to a control group of more than 10,000 metabolically healthy individuals.
When the results of this study were analyzed, researchers found that participants who were classified as metabolically unhealthy developed coronary artery disease at more than twice the rate of metabolically healthy individuals, regardless of weight. These results did not change when controlled for factors that might have influenced outcomes, including smoking, exercise habits, and socioeconomic status.
Researchers also found that, of the participants classified as metabolically healthy, those who were identified as overweight had a 26% greater risk of developing coronary artery disease than people of normal weight, and those who were identified as obese had a 28% greater risk than people of normal weight. Researchers concluded that it is not possible to be overweight or obese and be metabolically healthy at the same time. The researchers did concede that it is not the excess weight itself that places people at higher risk for developing coronary artery disease, but the risk factors that often accompany obesity, such as high blood pressure or high blood sugar.
The Recurring Theme: Healthy Weight Improves Overall Health
The results of this study, as well as the other studies highlighted in this blog series, emphasize the importance of achieving a healthy weight to improve overall health. Weight loss does not have to be an overwhelming “all or nothing” endeavor. Minor changes in lifestyle can lead to small but significant changes in weight. Over time, these changes will show a trend toward gradual but steady weight loss. For example, starting a weight loss program can consist of cutting back on the number of cans of soda consumed and taking a 15 minute walk every day. By monitoring health at home, a person starting a weight loss program in this manner will see small changes, such as losing a pound or two and maybe lowering blood pressure a bit. Continued gradual changes in lifestyle will lead to more changes in weight and other health factors, as these changes will build on each other. Losing weight in this manner, rather than starting a fad diet or belly blasting workout program, will lead to more long-term success.
Key to losing weight gradually is health tracking to show success over time. Health evaluation at home using home health testing equipment and online health measurement tools makes this type of measurement easy. By self-checking health a person can use online charts and graphs to see changes in health, rather than having to wait to go to the doctor or a weight loss program meeting. HomeLab by Quantihealth provides the type of health and wellness tracking equipment and online life tracking tools that people need to monitor weight loss and health status over time. For more information, visit www.thequantihealth.com.
Tags: hidden diseases, healthy style, health tracking, home health testing, health status