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Health tracking: when to start?
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Increasing number of patients with chronic  conditions are actively monitoring their life functions, as it  stated in survey conducted by The society for participatory medicine (

About 87% of respondents understand the importance of self-monitoring their health metrics. When  a patient has a chronic condition he or she are more motivated to collect the  information of their organism, first of all to better understand their situation and share the data with the health providers.

I’d like to stress 2 aspects:

1)is it worth it if don’t have a chronic condition or obvious problems with your health? Yes it is. The earlier you start  tracking your basic body functions like blood pressure, heart ratevariation, weight ,sleep quality etc, the better chance you have to detect problems before it becomes clinically obvious. There are affordable solutions that can help you to do this. Quantihealth corporation is one of the dedicated companies. (

even not being involved in healthcare system response because you are not sick yet.

2)71% of the respondents of the survey would use personal monitoring solutions if they are clinically accurate. It’s important that self-monitoring performed by non-professional gives proven results. Following the detailed instructions of measurements is a key element of the accuracy. There is another side   of clinically proven results. When you are dealing with a certain disease and monitoring specific to this disease metrics it’s more or less clear what to have as clinical accuracy criterion. If we are talking about preventive approach we are not talking about clinical diagnosis we are monitoring certain life metrics and trying to assess their dynamics.

The earlier you start monitoring , way before first symptoms of the disease, the better chance you have to divert a negative scenario.



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