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Health Measurement
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This site is entirely devoted to Health, not just in the common sense of the word but also with respect to understanding what is not obvious and especially, the measurement of Health. People use the word “health” every day without thinking of its real meaning, feeling somehow intuitively what it is. “No pain, not sick now so I’m healthy.” It’s not that easy. There are grades of health. Of course, in everyday life we don’t think in those terms, but if we face a task that we can’t solve and we remember that a similar task some time ago was not a problem for us, then we start to understand that our health now and our health some time ago are not the same.

Why is it important to measure your health levels? Decreasing your health levels in combination with other factors is a paved road to disease. If you are not sick at the moment but aware that your health levels are getting low, you have a chance to prevent disease development. If you have a chronic condition, decreased health levels is a possible indicator that the acute phase of the disease is on its way.

We cannot say that we can always predict the onset of a specific disease, but we have early indicators of potential problems. The earlier you learn about a potential problem, the higher the likelihood of experiencing its negative consequences.

It’s very important for everyone to understand the importance of early detection of future problems and possibly even more important to realize that nobody can monitor your health levels better than you. Your active participation in this process is crucial. Another very important task here is to create a large group of enthusiastic people monitoring their health levels. “The critical mass” of this group will make this innovative idea mainstream.

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