Your chances of developing Covid-19 and surviving it are dependent on your overall health. But do you really have a good grasp of your own health status or are you making a mistake?
Covid-19 is sweeping the world. Every day reveals tragedies from different countries and skyrocketing death tolls. But many people seem to be dismissing or downplaying the risk on a personal and wider level. This may have to do with individual ideas about personal health. Obviously, your risk of being infected with Covid-19 and your chances of surviving it are dependent on your overall health. So, have you assessed your health accurately enough to calculate your risk?
In a recent survey, 5,400 Americans were polled about their Covid-19 risk. The researchers found that more than a quarter of the respondents believed they had a nearly zero chance of infection. And between 6 and 13 percent believed that they had a reasonable chance of catching the virus (50-60 percent). These statistics are astonishing considering what’s going on in the rest of the world.
These beliefs create a problem for individual behaviors and attitudes. If most Americans believe they’re safe, then they will act according to these beliefs. In contrast, more fully understanding the risk can encourage more rational, safer behavior. In this time of turmoil, this is incredibly important for everyone’s safety.
Another issue that recent studies have unearthed has to do with personal health assessments. 71 percent of Americans believe that their health is good or excellent. Statistically speaking, this is impossible. In a normal situation, this kind of mistake is usually fairly harmless. But in a time of pandemic, it’s an obvious health risk.
Accurate health monitoring has never been more important. Good health can help you resist viruses today and avoid life threatening illnesses further down the road. It will also help to reduce or eliminate conditions that could complicate a Covid-19 infection.
It’s often these underlying and pre-existing conditions that put people at higher risk of serious infection and even death from Covid-19. So, eliminating them has obvious benefits.
Improving your health overall will also give more reserves to help you achieve a positive outcome if you do contract Covid-19. It’s never been more important to have a positive and effective plan for facing this reality.
Health monitoring has never been more important. Once you’ve contracted Covid-19, it’s too late to take measures to improve your health. Instead, you need to start now with regular monitoring. This will help you identify any problems that could be a serious health risk if you do contract Covid-19. And then you can start making changes, because there’s no greater motivator for change than the present situation.
If you’re concerned about a health risk, try using HomeLab to keep track of your condition and any preventative measures you take. And if you see signs of a significant problem, you should check with your doctor as soon as possible.
Tags: health risk, covid-19, monitoring