Infections, colds and flus can all put your health at risk in the colder months. But did you know that it could also increase your risk of experiencing a stroke?
There are a lot of different health risk factors that can affect your wellbeing. Some of them are obvious and changeable, such as weight. But some of them are harder to change. You can’t change the temperature of the place you live without undertaking a big move. But you still need to be aware of the affects that cold temperatures can have on your health. And this is even more important if you’re concerned about having a stroke.
You probably know by now that the cold can be a serious health risk. According to previous studies, it increases the risk of colds and flus as well as complications such as infections. There is also a higher risk of heart attack associated with the cold, perhaps due to winter related activities. Unfortunately, there’s no known cause for this link between the cold and serious disease. However, that doesn’t change the fact that it’s a vitally important health risk factor.
Several studies are now revealing that cold temperatures can be a health risk factor for Ischemic strokes. Ischemic strokes are caused by blood clots which cut off the blood flow to the brain. These blood flow interruptions can be the result of issues such as high cholesterol or diseases that cause a narrowing of the arteries.
The first finding of these studies was that ischemic strokes occur most often in colder average temperatures. A link between this type of stroke and significant temperature fluctuations was also found. Another study showed that the number of strokes increases by 11 percent for every 2.9 degrees Celsius temperature drop over a 24-hour period.
And you’re not safe if you live in a warmer climate either. No matter where you live, there is usually a time of year when the temperature drops. And a third study shows that this milder kind of drop may also increase the number of stroke deaths. The results from all these studies were duplicated across the world in several different countries.
At this stage, there is no solid evidence why the cold is a health risk, though there are several theories. One theory is that the cold may cause vessel constriction, which can result in a loss of blood flow to the brain. Another is that the cold weather encourages unhealthy lifestyle habits. In fact, the real cause may be both or none of these factors. This phenomenon is complex, which means that it could be caused by a combination of factors. The cold is just the most obvious and observable factor.
The nature of the link between the cold and strokes isn’t clear. But it doesn’t have to be clear for you to benefit from this knowledge. If you want to decrease your health risk, the cold is a heath threat that you need to be more aware of. Fortunately, this is something that you can take steps to reduce. Making sure that you’re wearing warmer clothes and using heating devices is an easy way to lower this risk.
However, rugging up won’t completely protect you from the cold if you live in a colder climate. As a result, you need to reduce your health risk in other ways. That means looking at other health risk factors that could lead to a stroke including blood pressure and cholesterol levels. By monitoring and lowering these numbers, you will decrease your risk of stroke without moving away from your frosty home. And this is the best way to enjoy good health throughout your life.
If you’re concerned about a health risk, try using HomeLab to keep track of your condition and any preventative measures you take. And if you see signs of a significant problem, you should check with your doctor as soon as possible.
Tags: health risk, Stroke