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Lose Weight and Stay Healthy through Quantitative Health Assessment
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Is that number on the scale starting to creep up on you? Or do you just avoid weighing yourself because it's too depressing? Many people struggle with weight and the voices of healthy living have preached weight control for many years. However, is your weight the best indicator of your health? While it plays a large role, weight is not the only health factor you should monitor to insure you are as healthy as you can be.


Weight Loss Does Not Always Mean Your Health Improves


When you finally decide to go on that diet or start that exercise program, you usually want the pounds to melt away quickly. This is not always the healthiest way to lose weight, however. If you decide to follow a trendy diet that allows you to eat nothing but cabbage soup, for example, you may lose weight very quickly, but you will compromise your nutritional status. This can make you very ill. Diets such as the Baby Food Diet or the Cookie Diet fall into this category and they can have long term effects on your body's ability to function.


You may also not be physically ready for that intensive weight training program at the gym. Exercising at an intensity level that you are not used to can leave you open to injury. For example, if you start your exercise program by running for an hour when the exercise level you are used to is walking to the refrigerator, you will put yourself at a high risk of straining or tearing a muscle in your leg. This is very painful and will lay you up for several weeks, putting a halt to your weight loss efforts. It is important to start out slowly with any new exercise program, especially if you are struggling with obesity.


These are just a couple of examples, but the point is that focusing only on your weight as an indicator of your health can lead to unsafe weight loss practices and long term health consequences.


A Better Way to Monitor Health


So what is the best way to monitor your health? In addition to controlling your weight, health factors such as blood pressure, heart rate, activity level among others can give you a better picture of your overall level of health. You may be carrying a few extra pounds, but if your blood pressure is 110/70 and your resting heart rate is normal, you are actually pretty healthy. There are many programs and devices that allow you to measure specific health factors, but not all of these programs allow you to monitor multiple health aspects through one comprehensive program. You may have a bracelet that measures your activity level or you may use an app that allows you to enter calories and exercise times, but they don't really give you a comprehensive picture of your overall health. To really be sure that you are healthy as you lose weight, you should monitor multiple health factors through a quantitative health assessment program.


QuantiHealth Corporation is an example of a quantitative health assessment program. Offered by Home Lab Technology, this program provides you with an effective tool to monitor multiple health factors through one convenient and affordable system. Members of this program subscribe to a service that provides all of the technology necessary to monitor several important health factors. The data from the technology provided is analyzed through computer or smart phone applications and the results give you a picture of your overall health. If you are healthy, then great! QuantiHealth can help you stay that way. If you are not healthy, QuantiHealth will give you the information you need to make changes to your lifestyle and health practices. In addition, QuantiHealth will give you warning signals about potential health problems and recommendations to correct these problems.


Weight loss can be tricky and even dangerous at times. Monitoring your overall health through quantitative health assessment, such as the program provided by QuantiHealth, will help you to insure that you lose weight safely and successfully. Good luck to you on your weight loss journey!




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