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Be Prepared for the Doctor Before You Go
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If you are a healthy person, you probably don't think too much about going to the doctor. If you are not healthy, you know the doctor's office routine very well. Regardless, if you have ever been to the emergency room or walk-in clinic, you may have wished you had gathered more information before your appointment. Sometimes care for acute conditions takes twice as long simply because medical staff members need to collect information that you could have collected yourself at home. Here are some ways that you can collect medical information about yourself before you ever need to go to a doctor.

Instrumental Monitoring

Vital statistics, including weight, height, blood pressure, heart rate and its variation, and respiration are all facts that doctors usually need to have on record to monitor overall health. Medical clinics take measurements of these statistics every time you visit a doctor to monitor changes in your condition. If you don't visit the doctor very often, changes in these statistics that might indicate a health problem could be missed.

Due to improvements in medical technology in recent years, these vital statistics are now easily monitored at home. Equipment designed for home use to monitor blood pressure, pulse and respiration are readily available through medical equipment suppliers. Using this type of equipment to regularly monitor your health at home will give you a running record that you can take with you to the doctor should you need to go.


Those health history questionnaires that medical clinics make you fill out every time you visit are redundant and sometimes annoying. You can't always remember everything about your own health when you are put on the spot at the doctor's office. If you have chronic health conditions, you may note remember everything about your health history because of its length. Online quizzes that ask you about your health history can help compile this information before you go to the doctor.

In addition, online quizzes can help you self-check your own health to know if you need to visit a doctor. Online health risk measurements and tests, using your computer or smart phone, can help you to pinpoint potential problems with your health. This may lead to early detection of a serious health problem.

Red Flags

Have you felt a little short of breath in the morning? How about that pain in your back after you worked in the garden? These little aches and pains could be just that, or they could be symptoms of something more serious. Most of us don't pay attention to small symptoms like these, but if those symptoms are a sign of a more serious disorder, they can escalate into really big, problematic symptoms.

When you feel these little symptoms, treating them like "red flags" and recording them can be helpful. Making note of each symptom, including when it occurred, what part of your body was affected, and what activities you were doing when the symptom occurred can be very valuable information for your doctor. These red flags, when recorded, can actually show a health pattern that might point to a larger overall condition. Your doctor will have an easier time pinpointing that condition and ordering tests to diagnose it if he or she has a track record of symptoms to review when you go in for your appointment. If you have a chronic health condition, tracking symptoms can help your doctor identify changes in your condition and subsequent changes needed for your treatment.

How QuantiHealth Can Help

All of these health tracking methods can be time consuming and difficult to organize. You can manage them yourself if you want to, but QuantiHealth has a better way. QuantiHealth can provide you with all of the equipment and online tools that you need to record and track your vital statistics, health history, and red flag symptoms, all in one convenient place. A major tool for that is the HomaLab system  which includes home health testing equipment, online health screenings and measurement quizzes, and many other methods you can use to complete home health assessment.

By using the HomeLab system of health tracking, you can compile all of the information you will need to provide to your doctor long before you ever have to go. This will save you time and money and may prevent a very serious illness from getting worse. If you do end up with health problems, you will be very glad you were prepared for your doctor's visit beforehand.

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