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Sleep Apnea: The Newest Way to Detect with Cameras
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Sleep apnea is one of the more difficult problems to detect in the doctor’s office. But now,research has uncovered a new and much easier way to detect it.



One of the biggest health risk factors is undiagnosed health problems. Some health problems are easy to identify, which allows for fast treatment. But other disorders can be difficult to detect. This isn’t always because of medical mistakes or your lack of attention. It’s just that some disorders can be difficult to detect in your doctor’s office. Sleep apnea is one of the biggest culprits for this. But now there’s new research that may offer an easier diagnosis process.


What is Sleep Apnea?A New Hope for People with Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is one of the more common sleep problems. It’s also one of the most dangerous. When you have this condition, your breathing stops and starts throughout the night. This can deprive your brain and body of oxygen and blood, causing damage. It also raises your risk of developing other disorders such as heart disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and stroke.


Some common symptoms of this sleep disorder include:


  • Tiredness during the day
  • Loud snoring
  • Gasping for air while sleeping
  • Dry mouth upon waking
  • Insomnia
  • Poor attention span
  • Headache upon waking
  • Irritability
  • Episodes where you stop breathing during the night.
  • Daytime sleepiness


Obviously, these symptoms are vague and could be caused by a number of disorders. This is part of the reason why sleep apnea can go unnoticed for years.


This sleep disorder can occur in adults or in children. And in children it’s even more dangerous as experts estimate that about 90 percent of cases go undiagnosed. If not diagnosed and corrected, sleep apnea in children can cause developmental, cognitive, and behavioral problems.


How is Sleep Apnea Diagnosed?

Sleep apnea isn’t easy to diagnose. Unlike other disorders like blood pressure, there isn’t an easy, transportable test that can be performed in the doctor’s office. This health disorder occurs when you’re asleep. And you probably won’t fall asleep in your doctor’s office.


To diagnose sleep apnea, you will need to go to a special clinic. You will then be hooked up to machines that will monitoring your sleeping patterns. This is often a long and expensive process. But if you don’t have signs of this sleep disorder, why would your doctor even think to refer you? This is why so many people don’t get their diagnosis early enough to avoid damage.


Most people who are diagnosed early with sleep apnea have a partner who identifies the sleeping problem. You can also try apps that claim to monitor your sleeping habits, though their effectiveness and accuracy vary.


Your Face and Sleep Apnea

New research has found a link between facial anatomy and sleep apnea. This research showed a 91% accuracy in detecting this sleep disorder through 3D face scans.


These 3D scans are quick and simple and use several cameras to map the face. Structures that cause sleep apnea can then be identified. The camera setup is easy to install in a doctor’s office. It’s also much less expensive than the current process for diagnosing this sleep disorder.


If this face scanning technology proves effective in further testing, it could offer new hope to this sleep disorder sufferers. And it may be very helpful in childhood cases as well, offering a chance for a better life to so many children.


The Takeaway

Obviously, this technology can’t be used at home at this stage. But if 3D face scanning proves accurate, this will probably change. It isn’t inconceivable that you could one day download an app that can scan your face and detect sleep apnea. And this will offer new hope to generations of sufferers.







For more information on your sleeping patterns, try using HomeLab to help you keep track of your condition and any changes you make to your life.


Tags: health risk, sleep disorder


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