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The Hidden Health Risk That Threatens Everyone
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Some health risk factors are obvious and can be changed. Others, like poor air quality, you can’t do much about. Here’s what you need to know about this serious and growing health concern.



You hear a lot about the dangers of smoking or obesity. But what you don’t hear much about is the dangers of the air you’re breathing. This is a health risk that no one wants to talk about. It’s one that’s linked to the growth of the modern world and to business. But it’s also a serious problem that could be pivotal in your health assessment activities.


The Health Risk of Air PollutionHealth Risk of Poor Air Quality

Dirty air is a serious and growing health risk. Air pollution contains a lot of different components that are basically poison. This includes ozone, carbon dioxide, lead, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide.


To put it bluntly, air pollution kills more than 8.8 million people every year. That’s more than the deaths associated with smoking or war. Poor air quality is linked first to respiratory problems. People who are especially at risk because of air pollution include:


  • Pregnant women
  • The elderly
  • Outdoor workers
  • People with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or asthma.
  • People with congestive heart failure, heart disease, or coronary artery disease.
  • Children under 14.
  • People who exercise outdoors a lot.


Health Problems Associated with Air Pollution

Obviously, poor air quality is associated with respiratory disorders, but it can also cause a range of other health problems including:


  • Increased heart and lung stress.
  • Loss of lung capacity and function.
  • Accelerated lung aging.
  • Damage to respiratory system cells.
  • Aggravation of cardiovascular and respiratory illnesses.
  • Shortened life span.
  • Promote the development of diseases like asthma, emphysema, and bronchitis.
  • May also encourage cancer development.


Air pollution is obviously a very serious issue. However, there is now evidence that poor air quality may be a bigger health threat than previously thought.


Poor Air Quality and Blood Sugar

There is now evidence that dirty air may promote weight gain. A recent study found that air pollution may lead to changes in the gut. These changes may affect blood sugar regulation and increase the risk of obesity.


The chemical to blame in this situation is ozone, which is one of the most hazardous chemicals in pollution. Ozone decreases gut bacteria variety. There are literally trillions of bacteria in your gut and they influence everything from digestion to mental health. Your gut bacteria must be in a careful balance for optimum health. Unfortunately, this balance can easily be lost, resulting in a range of problems.


The study showed that ozone influences 128 bacterial species that live in the gut. Basically, it changes the environment of your gut to favor some bacteria over others. This results in less diversity in bacteria overall, which can have serious health consequences. Low gut bacteria diversity is also linked to obesity and Type 2 diabetes.


Ozone also directly affects several bacteria that are implicated in weight gain. This includes Bacteroides caecimuris, a bacterium that is often abundant in people with obesity. Ozone also influences species that impact insulin release and others that produce fatty acids. These fatty acids help ward off inflammation and protect gut barrier integrity. These are issues that will impede your weight loss efforts.


The Takeaway

There isn’t too much you can do to change the level of air pollution where you live. And you probably can’t move immediately. But this doesn’t mean you should just ignore this health risk. Air quality monitoring is common these days, so make sure you take advantage of it.


Knowing the levels of pollution will allow you to calculate your exposure and your health risk. And with that information, you can make more informed decisions about your future.







If you’re concerned about your blood pressure or any other aspect of your health, use  HomeLab to help you keep track of your condition and any changes you make to your life.


Tags: Health Risk


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