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The Complete Guide to the Health Risk of your Work-Life Balance
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It’s obvious that your lifestyle can be a major health risk. But exactly what changes do you need to make to your work-life balance to stay healthy?



Everyone’s talking about work-life balance these days. This issue seems to be in constant competition with people’s ambition and drive to do better at work. You probably know that there are aspects of your lifestyle that you need to change to stay healthy. But these health risk factors aren’t always easy to change. You might not have the time, the energy, or the freedom at work to make needed changes. But if you want to be healthy, it’s time to find a way around these excuses. Because your lifestyle will determine your present and your future health and quality of life.


How your Work Influences Health Risk FactorsLifestyle Affects Your Health Risk


Your lifestyle is one of the most important factors in determining your health. What you eat, how much you exercise, and where you live are all important to your wellbeing. Most of the time, it’s obvious that some lifestyle factors are unhealthy. If you spend all day in a chair eating junk food, it’s an obvious health risk. But poor work habits aren’t as easy to identify or change. And because you spend around one third of your life at work, these poor habits will have a huge impact.


Some of the health risk factors that are influenced by your work habits include:


  • Dietary choices
  • Exercise level
  • Stress levels
  • Social habits
  • Noise exposure
  • Family life
  • Work-life balance

One of the most important health risk factors is your work-life balance. If your life is balanced, there is harmony between the demands of different parts of your life. So, your work life doesn’t overwhelm your home life, and you don’t have to give up on socializing to get your work done. Keeping a good work-life balance takes demands constant adjustment and work. It isn’t something that you can do once and just ignore. Instead, you will have to spend most of your life making sure that the different parts of your life are getting enough attention. And as an added bonus, if you do this well then it will lower your health risk.


Obesity and Work-Life Ratio


A recent study has examined the link between work-life ratio and obesity. And the results were startling. You might think that being sedentary both in and out of work is the most dangerous lifestyle. And obviously, this often leads to weight problems and obesity. But this lifestyle may not be the riskiest.


The study divided participants into 4 groups:


  • Lions: people who are active at work but spend most of their time at home sitting or lying around.
  • Ants: people who are active throughout the day.
  • Chimpanzees: people who have an even distribution of active and inactive behaviors both at work and at home.
  • Koalas: People who are inactive at work and in their leisure time.

If you thought the Koalas were had the highest risk of obesity, you’d be wrong. In fact, the lions had the highest risk. So, if your job is very physically demanding and you collapse in your chair exhausted when you get home, then you’re most at risk of severe weight problems.


These findings are surprising. And they’re in contrast with popular health messages. They suggest that just exerting energy isn’t enough to protect you against obesity. Instead, you should be striving for a balance of energy exertion during the day.


The Takeaway


More research is needed before the full implications of these results are understood. But it does have practical applications for your health and your lifestyle. The group that most closely describes your lifestyle could indicate your risk of obesity and associated health risks. And knowing your group also gives you a guide to the lifestyle changes that you need to make to lower your health risk.


So, are you a lion or a koala? And how will that affect your health in the long term?





If you’re concerned about a health risk, try using HomeLab to keep track of your condition and any preventative measures you take. And if you see signs of a significant problem, you should check with your doctor as soon as possible.



Tags: health risk, life style

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